Thursday, April 17, 2008

10 Quickies

1. I'm in love with Mariah's new CD, E=MC2!!!!
2. I need to vaccuum . . . and why does that word have double "u's"?
3. Encourage me to invest my refund, not spend it! I am such a spender . . .
4. MMMMMM . . . french fries
5. Texas is calling me back home . . . might have to answer that one.
6. Yay! Hair appointment Tuesday!!
7. Diggin' the new blog site.
8. Is it me or is "McSteamy" from Grey's uber hot! You know he was in "Charmed" . . .
9. I wish men would stop shaving their chest hair -- chest hair is hot!
10. Ick! Gotta get ready for work now . . . ugh!


  1. I have to go with you on #9. I consider shaving it a crime against nature...

  2. 1. She was really sweet on Idol this week.
    2. Only "pumpers" would spell it with one "u."
    3. Invest in yourself...
    4. With gravy or cheese?
    5. There must be a cure for that.
    6. I smell bleach!!!
    7. Ditto
    8. Yes, Phoebe was one lucky witch.
    9. Foolish isn't it.
    10. Work sucks!


Leave your thoughts, comments, complaints, or random synaptic misfires . . . thx for reading and responding!! Love -- jj:)