Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Being Cold, Overpriced Coffee, and Being Thankful

As this holiday season fast approaches, everyone comes up with a list of what they are thankful. Not being one to buck tradition (you can stop laughing now) -- I'd like to give you my list of things I am thankful for, in no particular order . . .
1. I am thankful for getting cold.
Getting cold?? Why on earth would I be thankful for that?? Well simply put, I've NEVER been someone that got cold. I was always hot, sweating, and out of breath. Now, after everything this year and going into this winter -- I get cold!! I have to wear long sleeves and coats and everything!! Who knew?? Losing 129 lbs will do that to ya ;)
2. I am thankful for not being able to get enough sleep.
Really . . . I am completely excited about this. In a nutshell -- I've spent so many years of my life passing me by that I want to make up for living. Who has time to sleep?? Don't get me wrong, there are days when a girl needs her rest -- but those days have become few and far between. I absolutely love going to school, having a steady job (and therefore income), and all the friends I have. I don't want to sleep my time away with all this going on around me. Besides . . . that's what STARBUCKS is for . . . right??
3. I am thankful because I have to pay bills.
Picking up on the theme yet -- complaints are also reasons why we are happy. It's all on how you look at it. Who doesn't hate paying the mortgage, car note, credit card bill, etc? However, consider this outlook . . . if you have these bills to pay then you have a car, a home, probably some nice things, and a few bucks left over for some nice things. Yeah -- paying bills is a good thing!
4. I am thankful for Overpriced Coffee.
So I thought about what kind of category this would end up being, and this is what popped up. I enjoy studying, visiting, looking at the cute guys at Starbucks. I've quickly become a regular, as the staff knows my name and what I want (usually a carmel light frappucino, but lately totally into the peppermint mocha light frappucino). Plus it's the perfect setting for a great conversation with my bff . . . Creepy Manager Guy was going to be the other choice for this one since Gracie and I are total regulars at Panera as well.
5. I am thankful for texting.
Admit it -- those of you with iPhones are totally in love with it! It turned an anti-Apple guy into a total softy for iPhone. So I love my iPhone, but more importantly I love the people that text/call/email me on it on a regular basis. Every person in my contact list has had some effect on my life, and I am grateful for that impact they've had. People are not static, we are always changing. And one major way that everyone has an impact on me is through my phone. Even CrackBook is an iPhone App!
So hopefully this little list of mine finds you in good humor, good health, but most importantly, good times. God Bless you, your family & your friends. Those of you travelling for Turkey Day, be safe!! And think about all that gets on your nerves, and you just might find what you are truly thankful for . . . :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww... Joe, I loved reading your list and I couldn't agree more. And, I hope you know by now how incredibly thankful I am for YOU!

    PS - I liked your choice of names for #4, both were so appropriate!


Leave your thoughts, comments, complaints, or random synaptic misfires . . . thx for reading and responding!! Love -- jj:)