Ever have one of those friends that is very concerned about how others perceive them? Not in a clingy way, but just wanting to know your opinion about things? Gracie is one of my friends. She's sweet, intelligent, fiercely witty, and pretty. She just broke off a 2 year relationship that was heading for the alter, and has quickly gotten involved with someone else. I know, I know, the first thought is REBOUND . . . but my challenge to that is -- so what?!
Who cares if she's rebounding . . . because she just might find that she's absolutely crazy about him. He's VERY smitten with her, and treats her like a princess. She worries that she is like another person we know and tease about her relationship. I tell her not to worry, and just enjoy what she has. If it ends, well, we'll be there to pick her up. I just want her to enjoy the chance she has to be loved by someone.
Open your eyes to this chance of yours
to celebrate one of life’s lil’ adventures.
For someone to give themselves to you,
so completely, so utterly selfless and true,
My dear, don’t run away, but towards life.
My sweet, sweet friend, open your eyes.
Open your arms to the emotion and passion
enjoy all of it’s worth, even if it’s not lasting.
Maybe it’s too intense; maybe it’s too sudden,
so what if it’s too serious, so what if it’s abrupt?
Submit to your desires, to his charms,
My sweet, sweet friend, open your arms.
Open your mind to all the possibilities
that the path you’re on is leading you swiftly.
We’ll catch you if you trip, hold you if you fall.
Your fears, your hesitation, abandon them all.
Allow yourself to become intertwined,
My sweet, sweet friend, open your mind.
Open your heart to what is yet to be
to the happiness, to the pain, to the experience
No one said it would be perfect, or kind –
but without the risk, alone you would pine.
Love is asking you to play your part,
so my sweet, sweet friend, open your heart.
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