Monday, December 21, 2009

Baking Cookies

Does anyone else love to bake cookies? I know I do . .. it’s been a long time since I have baked some cookies.

In order to start out with the best batch possible, you need to make sure you have the best ingredients. That doesn’t mean you must purchase the most expensive, but rather what you have learned thru experience works for you. Get out all your ingredients and make sure it’s all there . . .

Knowing prep time is important. Some cookies you make are quick on prep, and can be made hastily. Typically though, they’re often too easy to make and not that memorable. After all, anyone can just whip together any ol’ batch of cookies . . . I like to make special cookies (not THAT kind of special!), and so I prefer my prep time to take longer. In this case, I had to mix all the ingredients together and then let the cookie dough sit for several hours in the fridge . . . just letting it do its thing naturally.

After awhile, it is time to turn the heat up! Lined the cookie sheets and made the cookie balls, then pressed ‘em with a fork and stuck ‘em in the oven. Don’t want to overcook the cookies b/c that ruins the whole batch, but don’t want to undercook the cookies b/c that leaves ‘em too soft and they fall apart. You have to make sure you have the right amount of heat . . .

And when the cookies are all done, the best part . . . you get to eat ‘em! The gooier the better! Nothing is better than when you finish eating cookies and have to lick your fingers too 

I think I like making cookies . . .

1 comment:

  1. I love making cookies... which is a good thing because I made them seven days a week for eight years. But with all of the service and level of hospitality I offered, people were most impressed by the cookies... go figure. Here's a chef's trick - ice cream scoops come in many sizes. Get a small one and use that to scoop out perfectly sized batter. People will be impressed at how all of your cookies are exactly the same size...

    Those are some good looking cookies in the picture!


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